Bird Watching

The birdwatching group usually meets outdoors on the second (and fifth) Tuesday of each month with visits arranged to local birdwatching sites.

Outdoor outings, occasional indoor meetings.
2nd Tuesday of each month with extra meetings when there is a 5th Tuesday
10.00 am (normally)

** N.B. This site is no longer being updated, please visit the new website at

Programme of visits planned for 2024:

  • 30th January – Martin Mere (WWT)  ** N.B. Change of Date – due to stormy weather on 23rd **
  • 13th February – Southport Marine Lake and Foreshore
  • 19th March – Pennington Flash ** N.B. Change of Date – due to heavy rain forecast on 12th **
  • 11th April (Thursday)  – Hesketh Out Marsh RSPB ** N.B. Change of Date – due to heavy rain and strong winds forecast on 9th **
  • 30th April – Burton Mere RSPB
  • 21st May – Brockholes LWT ** N.B. Change of Date **
  • 11th June – Woolston Eyes SSSI
  • 9th July – Yarrow Valley Country Park
  • 30th July – Anglezarke Reservoir, Rivington
  • 10th September – Marbury Country Park
  • 8th October – Martin Mere WWT
  • 22nd October – Lunt Meadows LWT
  • 12th November – TBC (possibly Wigan Flashes)
  • 10th December – TBC

The directions for each outing will be confirmed the week prior to the visit.  Please always let us know when you plan to join us on one of our visits so we can keep you informed if there are last minute changes for any reason, otherwise you might turn up and find we aren’t there.

Group Leader Peter Hatfield at Marshside, September 2015

Group Leader Peter Hatfield at Marshside, September 2015

Each outing will have an outing leader. Warm clothing is advised but a knowledge of birds is not necessary!  If you are new to this Group or if you require directions or a lift please contact via the group email.

Please bring your RSPB or WWT Membership Card for outings to these Reserves. Lists of species seen on recent outings can be viewed by clicking past visits.

Reserves have informative websites. Check there for species to look for.

The Group has a database of records for all visits made in a particular year or to a chosen site.

For more details please email the Group Leaders.

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this group’s page have been taken on group visits by members of the group and are used with their permission.



Thanks to Bill Hale for permission to include these photographs of Waxwings seen in Coronation Park in December 2016.



Last Updated on July 8, 2024

Visit to Pennington Flash – 14th March 2023

Seven members of the group attended this visit on a cold and blustery March morning.  Fortunately the rain and sleet that would dominate the afternoon held off apart from a couple of sharp showers when we were able to take shelter in one of the hides.

It was good to see the improvements that have been made to the facilities at Pennington Flash which now include a café.  A total of 41 bird species were recorded on this visit.  The feeders in front of the “Bunting Hide” always produces a good number of birds.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 41 species seen:

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Last Updated on July 3, 2023

Visit to Lunt Meadows – 14th February 2023

Seven members of the group enjoyed a good morning’s bird watching at this Lancashire Wildlife Trust site adjacent to the river Alt and a total of thirty three species were recorded.  A particular highlight of this visit was a young female Kestrel which perched, flew low and hovered quite close to us.  We noticed the bird was ringed and information subsequently seen on Facebook confirms she was ringed as a nestling on 10th July 2022 at Cockerham near Lancaster.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 33 species seen:

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Last Updated on March 8, 2023

Visit to Martin Mere – 24th January 2023

Five members of the group attended our first visit of 2023.  We started by meeting in the café to discuss the programme of visits for the year after which we visited some of the hides and the Reedbed walk before lunch.  This site never disappoints and an excellent variety of species were recorded with several raptors and many woodland and farmland birds as well as waterfowl and waders.  One member was able to stay on for a while after lunch and added a few extra species at some of the other hides we did not have time to visit in the morning.  In total forty six species were recorded on this visit.

The Black-tailed Godwits can be quite feisty!


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 46 species seen:

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Last Updated on February 9, 2023

Summary of visits, September to December 2022

(Please accept my apologies for not posting individual reports of these visits)

13th September 2022 – Speke Hall

Four members of the group attended our first visit of the Autumn to this National Trust property by the Mersey Estuary.  A total of twenty bird species were recorded on this visit.

11th October 2022 – Leighton Moss RSPB and Morecambe Bay

Five members of the group travelled to this site, the most distant of the sites we regularly visit.  This large RSPB reserve regularly has many less common species including the bearded tits, which we only managed to hear on this occasion, and Marsh Tits.  A total of thirty six species were recorded across the two sites.

8th November 2022 – Burton Mere RSPB

This visit was called off at the last minute when several members had to pull out, however one member of the group didn’t get the message in time and recorded a total of twenty nine species.

The visit was re-arranged for 13th December but again was postponed when only two members of the group were available.  We will try again early in early 2023, hopefully it will be third time lucky!

29th November 2022 – Martin Mere

The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust site at Martin Mere is always a good visit at this time of year and six group members were well rewarded with a total of forty two species being recorded.  A particular highlight was seeing four Marsh Harriers flying over the land beyond the mere, though the hazy conditions made it difficult to capture good photographs.  The number of Whooper Swans in ‘first winter’ plumage indicates they have had a good breeding season.


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen on the above visits:

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Last Updated on December 26, 2022

Summary of visits, 29th March to July 2022

(Please accept my apologies for not posting individual reports of these visits)

29th March 2022 – Marbury Country Park

Five members of the group enjoyed a lovely morning’s birding at this extensive country park with its wide range of habitats between Burton Mere and the Trent and Mersey canal.  A total of twenty six species were recorded and a particular highlight was the good views we got of a Mistle Thrush at quite close range.

Thanks to group member Ken for this shot of the Mistle Thrush.

12th April 2022 – Mere Sands Wood

Four members of the group attended this visit on a soggy and misty morning.  It was interesting to see the on going repairs and replacements of the hides and the improvements to the main hub.  A highlight was about twenty Swallows flying low over the water.  A total of twenty six species were recorded.

10th May 2022 – Yarrow Valley Country Park

Yarrow Valley is another extensive country park with a wide variety of habitats alongside the River Yarrow and six members of the group had an enjoyable morning’s birdwatching, recording a total of twenty two species.  Highlights of this visit were the Dippers feeding their young and the Grey Wagtails.

14th June 2022 – Woolston Eyes Nature Reserve

It was good to be able to return after three years to this very special Site of Special Scientific Interest set on an island between the River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal close to the Thelwall Viaduct.  Five members of the group enjoyed this visit with a total of thirty species being recorded.  One of the main attractions of this site is the breeding colony of Black-necked Grebes and the timing of this visit was ideal as the adults were seen feeding their chicks.  It was also good to see many other birds with their young.  The Black-necked Grebes were at quite a distance but this one put on a good show for us as it constantly dived for food for it’s chick:

Thanks to Tony and Ken for these other pictures from this visit:


12th July 2022, Lunt Meadows Nature Reserve

Eight members of the group attended our final visit before the August break.  This Wildlife Trust reserve, alongside the River Lunt, has a good variety of habitats and always produces a good range of sightings.  This visit was no exception with a total of thirty seven species being recorded.


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen on the above visits:

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Last Updated on December 26, 2022

WWT Martin Mere

Martin Mere has now re-opened following the recent temporary closure after a case of Avian Influenza affected a bird in their collection.

See the WWT website for full details.

Last Updated on November 7, 2022

Visit to Brockholes Nature Reserve – 8th March 2022

Four members of the group enjoyed a bright sunny morning at this reserve which is managed by the Lancashire Wildlife Trust.  Highlights included good views of a Stonechat and a brief glimpse (by one member of the group) of a Kingfisher.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 38 species recorded on this occasion.

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Last Updated on March 28, 2022

Visit to Hesketh Outmarsh – 18th January 2022

Five members of the group enjoyed our first outing of 2022 to the RSPB site at Hesketh Outmarsh.  It was a beautiful bright frosty Winter morning with occasional misty patches but mostly clear views over the marsh and across the Ribble Estuary. A total of 26 species were recorded.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on February 7, 2022

Visit to Martin Mere – 14th December 2021

The final Bird Watching Group visit for 2021 was to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust site at Martin Mere.  Eight members of the group enjoyed an excellent morning’s visit despite the mist hampering visibility at times and a total of 43 species were recorded.  Thanks to new group member Ken for these pictures taken at Martin Mere:

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on April 3, 2022

Visit to Pennington Flash – 30th November 2021

The weather forecast for the day had not been good with rain and heavy cloud expected and this put some of our members off but five members turned up anyway.  The rain cleared after the first fifteen minutes and conditions improved further during the morning and we were rewarded with sightings of 47 species, our highest total for group visits this year.  A particular highlight was catching a glimpse of a Kingfisher.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on December 30, 2021

Visit to Burton Mere RSPB – 11th November 2021

The weather was mostly good for this visit which was attended by six members of the group.  The water near the reception area was disappointing with less bird species than we usually see, but as we carried on it got better.  A total mof 26 species were recorded.  The Ravens and Buzzards were particularly impressive.










Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on November 26, 2021

Visit to Mere Sands Wood – 12 October 2021

We were not so lucky with the weather this month with cloud and light rain for most of the morning.  Nevertheless it was an enjoyable visit for the six members who attended.  The visitor centre and the car park have been much improved since our previous visits to Mere Sands but unfortunately several of the hides have been vandalised and only two were available for use.   A total of 21 species were recorded.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on November 8, 2021

Visit to Lunt Meadows – 14th September 2021

Wood Sandpiper and Dunlin at Lunt Meadows

Eight members of the group attended our first visit following the Summer break.  It was a perfect late Summer morning for this visit and a total of 31 bird species were recorded.

Highlight of the visit was seeing a Wood Sandpiper, a first ever sighting by our group of this uncommon wader on it’s migration South for the Winter.  Two of us managed to get ‘record shots’ which enabled us to confirm the identification following the visit.

Some more pictures of birds seen at Lunt Meadows:

As well as the birds lots of butterflies and dragonflies were to be seen enjoying the sunshine – here are a few that stayed still long enough to be photographed:

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on October 7, 2021

June and July 2021 visits

As we look forward to the Autumn and what we hope will be a full and uninterrupted programme of visits, a brief report on the June and July visits which were still affected by some Covid restrictions:

June 8th 2021 – visit to Speke Hall (National Trust)

The site was only partially open because of the pandemic with one way systems in place and no access to the Mersey Estuary shore so sightings were limited to what we could see from the grounds.   Nevertheless it was an enjoyable visit attended by eight members of the group and a total of 23 bird species were recorded.

July 13th 2021 – visit to Marshside (RSPB)

A good day for our final visit before the Summer break.  Eight members of the group attended and a total of 34 bird species were recorded.

In addition to the birds it was lovely to see this Six-spot Burnet Moth newly emerged from the chrysalis on the stalk below:

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full lists of species seen on these 2 visits:

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Last Updated on September 13, 2021

Visit to Yarrow Country Park – 18th May 2021

Eight members of the group attended the first visit that has been possible for more than a year.  Twenty five species were recorded including a very interesting group of Dippers and a number of Grey Wagtails.  We were also able to get close to a juvenile Nuthatch.

Thanks to Peter Gateley for these photographs taken on this visit.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on May 25, 2021

Group Visits 2020

Before the Covid19 pandemic caused group activities to be suspended, two visits had taken place in 2020.

Thursday 12th February – Pennington Flash Country Park

The visit had been postponed from the Tuesday because of the atrocious weather conditions on the Tuesday.  The Thursday morning was a bright cold and windy Winter morning with just one short sharp hail shower.  Six members of the group attended and a total of 38 species were recorded.  A particular highlight was the large number of Goosander seen (c.15).

Tuesday 10th March – Martin Mere WWT

One of our regular visits, on this occasion seven members of the group attended and a total of 49 species were recorded.  It was a cloudy morning with some showers and strong winds.

As a result of the Covid19 restrictions the planned visits for the rest of the year were all cancelled.

The visits that had been planned were:

  • 14th April – Lunt Meadows LWT, Sefton
  • 12th May – Sizergh Castle NT / Leighton Moss RSPB
  • 9th June – Yarrow Country Park, Chorley
  • 14th July – Rivington Country Park, Bolton
  • 8th September – Brockholes LWT, Preston
  • 13th October – Speke Hall NT
  • 27th October – Burton Mere RSPB & Dee Estuary
  • 10th November – Marshside RSPB, Southport
  • 8th December – Mere Sands Wood LWT, Rufford

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen on the February and March visits:

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Birdwatching Group AGM – 13th January 2020

1. Birds of the Galapagos Islands

Bill Hale gave a very interesting one hour talk on ‘Birds of the Galapagos Islands’. No one in the group except Bill had been there, and we were treated to Bill’s photographs of over 55 species, most of which are not seen in Great Britain, (except the Turnstone, the Sanderling and Cattle Egret).

Many of the birds seen are native to the Galapagos: G. Penguin, G. Hawk (the only bird of prey), 13 species of G. Finches including 2 species of G. Warblers, G Flycatcher, G. Dove, and G. Cuckoo, etc.

Other memorable birds seen were Short Eared Owls who predate the local Petrels, Albatross, Mocking Birds, Shearwaters, Oystercatchers, Blue Footed Booby, Masked Booby and Red Footed Booby, Flightless Cormorants and the Magnificent Frigate Bird, Flamingos, Herons (4 species) and the delightfully named Vermillion Flycatcher, etc., etc.

Bill’s immense knowledge of the ‘bird world’ made it an enthralling session, and he can rightly claim to know more than Darwin having visited all 16 of the Galapagos Islands, that’s 12 more than Darwin achieved!

2. Proposed venues for 2020

Peter Hatfield presented his list of proposed venues for birdwatching in 2020.  Seven of last years reserves are revisited in the year ahead but in different seasons, two sites not visited by the group in the last 4 years (Rivington CP and Sizergh Castle*) and three more venues not seen last year will be seen this year, (Speke Hall NT, Yarrow CP and Brockholes LWT).  (See ‘continue reading’ below for the full list.)

*Please note that Sizergh is an optional extra for seeing Haw Finches from 8.30 am. The rest of the group will start at 10.30 at Silverdale. The Sizergh group will aim to reach Siverdale by 11.00am.

3. Review of 2019 visits and sightings

Peter Banks presented the summary of visits and sightings for 2019.  Two of the visits planned for 2019 had to be changed and the December visit cancelled due to bad weather.  All of our group sightings are recorded on the group’s web pages and also logged at BirdTrack a national project run by the British Trust for Ornithology in partnership with RSPB (and others) that records distributions and migration movements of birds throughout Britain and Ireland and also is linked to global records.

4. BirdTrack update

Peter Banks reported that, because the group submits records to the online BirdTrack system, we receive a regular monthly email from the BTO.  As well as information about bird populations they also have useful links to other information and bird identification videos.  Peter has long felt these emails should be made available to other group members but unfortunately the U3A’s Beacon email system does not allow forwarding of emails received.  He suggested that an email group could be set up so that these emails could be forwarded from the group email address to members of the bird group who would like to receive them.

5. AOB

Peter Banks introduced a discussion about ways in which members of the group might be able to share information about local bird sightings.  (One of our group members who was not able to be present at the AGM had emailed to suggest such a group that people could ‘opt in’ to.)  Again this would need to be outside the U3A Beacon system as only group leaders can send Beacon emails.  Peter showed a few examples of the sort of sightings that could be shared:

The suggestions are:

  • A WhatsApp Group that members could opt in to so they could share information (requires a smartphone).
  • A group page where members who opt in could share photos of birds seen locally or on group visits.  Ideally this should have a link on the group webpage so everyone can view.  This will be investigated further to determine the best platform to use.


Thirteen members of the group attended this year’s AGM, and apologies were received from one other.  The list of attendees is recorded on the group’s database.

Peter Hatfield and Peter Banks, joint leaders.


Click ‘continue reading’ for the full list of planned visits for 2020 and the summary of visits and sightings for 2019.


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Last Updated on January 31, 2020

Summary of visits – June to December 2019

Firstly please accept my apologies for not posting the usual individual reports for these visits.

11th June 2019 – Lunt Meadows

Five members of the group attended and enjoyed a very good morning’s birding despite the persistent rain.  The water levels in all the lakes and ponds were much higher than we have seen before as a result of all the recent rain.  A total of 37 species were recorded and it was good to see many chicks and juvenile birds.

9th July 2019 – Burton Mere RSPB

Five members of the group attended and as on previous visits to this site we benefited greatly from the experience of guest leader Peter Twist.  A total of 51 species were recorded on this visit and a particular highlight was the large number (25 plus) of Little Egret several of which were at their nest site.

10th September 2019 – Marshside RSPB

Twelve members pf the group attended for the morning with a couple of us staying on into the afternoon.  Although we did not see as many species as on some visits to this site, a total of 31 species being recorded, the sighting of the two Ruddy Shelduck was a ‘first’ for the group.  Another highlight was the group of five Cattle Egret ‘doing what it says on the tin’ as they interacted with some cattle.


‘Record shots’ of the Ruddy Shelducks (left photo) and the Cattle Egrets at Marshside.

8th October 2019 – Martin Mere WWT

(One of a number of occasions this year when the venue had to be changed because of the poor weather to a site where there was shelter available.)

Eleven members of the group attended this visit and a total of 42 species were recorded.  Large numbers of Pink Footed Geese and a few of the Whooper Swans had arrived at the site, a little later than usual probably as a result of the mild Autumn.  There were however surprisingly few waders to be seen although 6 Snipe was a highlight.  Another highlight was seeing three Marsh Harriers hunting.

22nd October 2019 – Leighton Moss

On this occasion we were lucky with the weather but had been advised to take wellington boots as some of the paths were flooded following recent rain.  Six members of the group attended and a total of 46 species were recorded.  After spending the morning at the main reserve most of us went to visit the hides located at Morecambe Bay before returning home.  One member who remained at the main reserve was rewarded with the sighting of a Bearded Tit.  Although on the group visit we had heard a water rail we had not been lucky enough  to see it.  The photo included here was taken by Bill Hale who was not on the group visit but had visited the site the following week.

12th November 2019 – Mere Sands Wood

Another weather-related change of venue as the wind-chill and muddy conditions would have been intolerable at the planned venue of Hesketh Outmarsh on the Ribble Estuary.  Ten members of the group attended this visit and a total of 33 species were recorded.  Highlights were the large numbers of Teal and 10-12 Goosander.

The planned visit to Speke Hall on 10th December was cancelled, again because of bad weather.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen on the above visits:

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Last Updated on January 3, 2020

Visit to Woolston Eyes – 14th May 2019

Nine members of the Bird Watching group attended this our fourth visit to this ‘Site of Special Scientific Interest’. Access to the site is restricted to permit holders and our thanks go to reserve volunteer David for unlocking the gates for us and helping with some of the sightings.

Photo taken by group member Graham Cawdell when we visited this site in 2016


The site is well known as the home for probably the largest breeding site in the UK for the rare black-necked grebe.  This year there are 26 of them although we only saw a fraction of this number as many were on their nests hidden among the reeds.

Amongst the total of 39 species recorded another special highlight was the sighting of a Garganay.


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on January 31, 2020

Visit to Marbury Country Park – 9th April 2019

Seven members of the group attended this our second visit to Marbury Country Park near Northwich, Cheshire.  Marbury is an extensive site with a wide range of habitats and on this occasion a total of thirty two species were recorded.  The highlight was the sighting of three Green Sandpipers.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on June 7, 2019

Visit to Martin Mere WWT reserve – 12th March 2019

Despite the poor weather in the morning, which had prompted the change of venue, nine members of the group attended this visit and were rewarded with a good morning’s bird watching from the comfort of the excellent facilities at this site.  Four members of the group stayed on for a while after lunch by which time the weather had improved though still very windy.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 51 species recorded:

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Last Updated on April 7, 2019

Change of Venue for 12th March visit.

The planned visit to Marshside this Tuesday, 12th March, is cancelled due to high winds from the west, cold and rain.  We are therefore going to Martin Mere which has much better shelter and facilities.  We will reschedule a visit to Marshside for later in the year.

Last Updated on March 10, 2019

Visit to Pennington Flash – 12 February 2019

Our first visit of 2019 was to Pennington Flash, one of our regular sites which always provides a good morning’s bird watching.


Ten members of the group attended and a total of 45 species were recorded.


Highlights of this visit included:

  • A mixed flock of about 10 Lesser Redpoll and 3 Siskin
  • A Treecreeper
  • The large number of Goosander
  • 3 Goldeneye
  • Willow Tit, Grey Wagtail and Bullfinch


Thanks to Colin Ratcliff who took a ‘shot in the dark’ and used Photoshop to recover this image of the Treecreeper.


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen and some more pictures taken at Pennington.


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Last Updated on February 23, 2019

Birdwatching Group AGM – 15th January 2019

1. Waders and how to recognise them

Ruff in winter plumage (Photo by Pete Gately at Martin Mere, 2018)

The meeting started with a very interesting talk by Bill Hale on ‘Waders and how to recognise them’ focussing on Curlew, Whimbrel, Ruff, Common Snipe, Jack Snipe, Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits, Knott and Stint.

Aggressive Black-tailed Godwits (Photo by Peter Banks at Martin Mere, 2018)






Despite the unreliable sound system, Bill’s recordings of birdsong were memorable, and in the case of the curlew, haunting.  The video of clouds of Knott in murmuration over the Wash in Norfolk was spectacular and the aggressive Godwit behaviour was unexpected as were their ‘bendy bills’.

Bill also mentioned current research he is involved in into apparent seasonal changes in colouration of some birds without a second moult implying that mature feathers must be changing colour – you heard it here first!

Bill had prepared information about several more waders, so we look forward to ‘Part Two’ of his talk!  Bill’s immense knowledge and dry Lancastrian humour made it an enthralling session, we are lucky to have him in our group.

2. Review of 2018 visits and sightings

Peter Banks presented the summary of visits and sightings for 2018, copies of which had been emailed to members before the meeting and are also appended to this report.

Two of the visits planned for 2018 had to be changed.  It had not been possible to arrange group transport for the small number who would have been able to visit Conway RSPB on 29th May, and the wildfires that ravaged Rivington Moor prevented our planned visit on 10th July.

All of our group sightings are recorded on the group’s web pages and also logged at BirdTrack a national project run by the British Trust for Ornithology in partnership with RSPB (and others) that records distributions and migration movements of birds throughout Britain and Ireland.

3. Proposed venues for 2019

Peter Hatfield presented his list of proposed venues for birdwatching in 2019. Six of last years reserves are revisited this year but in different seasons, one site not visited by the group is re-introduced (Rivington) and four local venues not seen last year will be seen this year (Marbury CP, Woolston Eyes, Speke Hall NT, and Hesketh Outmarsh RSPB).

4. AOB

There was a discussion about future possible venues for visits, Sand dunes beyond Hall Rd. Hightown, Seaforth Docks Bootle, and last year we put Sizergh Hall (NT) and Bempton Cliffs on the list. More comments please, we look forward to an interesting year ahead.

Attendance: Fourteen members of the group attended this year’s AGM, and apologies were received from seven.  The list of attendees is recorded on the group’s database and is available on request.

Peter Hatfield and Peter Banks, joint leaders.


Click ‘continue reading’ for the summary of visits and sightings for 2018 and the list of planned venues for 2019.

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Last Updated on February 1, 2019

Visit to Martin Mere WWT reserve – 11th December 2018

Our final visit of 2018 was again to the WWT reserve at Martin Mere where, as always, we were treated to excellent views of a wide range of bird species many of them at close range.

Eleven members of the group attended on this occasion and a total of 50 species were recorded.



We noted the considerable variation in leg and bill colouration amongst the many Ruff visible at close range from the main ‘Discovery’ hide.




We also saw examples of rivalry between members of the same species, particularly among the Black-tailed Godwits.









Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 50 species seen:

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Last Updated on January 14, 2019

Visit to Lunt Meadows – 13 November 2018

Little Egret at Lunt Meadows

Thirteen members of the group, the largest number this year, attended our third visit to this comparatively new LWT site which is still being developed with new viewing screens being added each year.  There are still, however, no facilities or shelter so it was fortunate that it was a lovely sunny morning, probably the best weather for any of our 2018 visits (last year’s planned December visit to Lunt Meadows had to be cancelled at the last minute because of bad weather).  A total of 38 species were recorded.


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on December 1, 2018

Group visits in October 2018

As there were five Tuesdays during this October, group visits were planned on both the second and the fifth Tuesday.

Visit to Brockholes on Tuesday 9th October

This was the group’s fifth visit to this Lancashire Wildlife Trust site adjacent to the River Ribble east of Preston.  A large site spread over 250 acres with a unique floating visitor centre and a wide variety of habitats it is always an attractive reserve to visit.  Seven members of the group attended and a total of 25 species were recorded.

Visit to Delamere Forest on Tuesday 30th October

This was our first group outing to Delamere Forest.  Four members of the group met at the Linmere Lodge visitor centre where we were joined by guest leader Peter Twist who lives locally to the forest and his extensive knowledge of the area and experience at identifying bird calls was invaluable.  After lunch Peter Twist took us to nearby Newchurch Common in the hopes of seeing the rare Smew.  Unfortunately the Smew did not show but we did record a number of species which had not been seen at Linmere.  In total 47 species were recorded on this visit.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen on both these visits:

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Last Updated on November 27, 2018

Visit to Sankey Valley Country Park and Carr Mill Dam – 10th July 2018

Because of the Moorland fires that had been burning in the Rivington area the planned visit to Rivington Moor Country Park was cancelled and the group revisited the Sankey Valley, a site we had first visited in June last year.

Eight members of the group attended on this occasion and a total of 31 species were recorded.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on September 26, 2018

Visit to Yarrow Valley Country Park – 8th May 2018

Nine members of the group attended this visit.  This was the group’s third visit to this site, but the first time we have been there during the breeding season.  The highlight of the visit was seeing the Dippers which have eluded us on our previous visits.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on June 28, 2018

Visit to RSPB Marshside – 10th April 2018

Ten members of the group attended this visit to one of our regular sites.  Heavy rain for much of the morning meant we stayed in the main hide for more than half the visit.  Highlight of this part of the visit was the sighting of a Spoonbill.

After the rain cleared some of us moved on to Nel’s hide for the rest of the visit.  Here we had our first sighting’s of the year of Swallows and Sand Martins.

A good morning’s bird watching despite the rain.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 36 species recorded:

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Last Updated on April 19, 2018

Visit to Rostherne Mere – 13th March 2018

This was our second visit to this locked reserve.  On this occasion we were guided by volunteer warden Phil Dell.  Five members of the group attended on this occasion with four of us going to nearby Tatton Park for lunch afterwards.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on April 19, 2018

Visit to Pennington Flash – 13 February 2018

Pennington Flash, one of our regular sites, never fails to provide a good morning’s bird watching even when, as on this occasion, the weather was less than ideal.  Nine members of the group attended our first outing of 2018 and a total of 40 species were recorded.

Highlights on this occasion included:

  • The large number of Goosander
  • 15 long-tailed tits on the bird feeders
  • Water Rail
  • Willow Tit

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on March 13, 2018

Birdwatching Group AGM – 8th January 2018

1.  The History of Martin Mere

Log boat dated 550AD

Bill Hale opened the meeting with a fascinating talk about the history of Martin Mere which included post ice age geological evidence about the local terrain and the impact of sea level changes on the post glacial landscape, flora and fauna over the millennia.

The size of the mere, its shape and islands before being drained in 1694 was evidenced in a series of maps and documents found in the Lancashire Record Office, by Bill and Audrey Coney whilst researching their book on Martin Mere. The landowners gained increased land and fertility from the draining but the local people (fishermen, thatchers and basket makers, etc.) lost their means of making a living.

Bill reviewed a list of winged visitors past and present as recorded by ornithologists and archaeologists, and showed images of the only extant log-boat (dated 550 AD) now in Southport Museum.

He also spoke of his own experience of the contribution the present WWT Martin Mere makes to sustaining habitat for migrating birds.

Oystercatcher with fresh-water mussel

2.  Proposed venues for 2018

Peter Hatfield presented his list of proposed venues for birdwatching in 2018.  Seven of last years reserves are revisited this year but in different seasons, three sites not visited by the group are introduced (Conway, Rivington and Delamere Forest) and two local venues not seen last year will be seen this year (Mere Sands Wood and Brockholes).

The full list is now on the U3A web site (see above).

3.  Review of 2017 visits and sightings

Peter Banks presented his detailed ‘species list’ of sightings for all of the venues, and the bird number tabulations for each venue including attendees.  At 4 venues we saw 50-62 species.  At 4 other venues we saw 40-49 species and the last group of 4 venues recorded 25-34 species. This was an improvement on the previous year, with the highest yield at RSPB Burton (no surprise).

The lists and tabulations are now also on the Group web pages of the U3A site (see below).

All of our monthly sightings are recorded on the group’s web pages and also logged at BirdTrack a national project run by BTO in partnership with RSPB (and others) that records distributions and migration movements of birds throughout Britain and Ireland.

4.  AOB

There was a discussion about future possible venues for visits.  Sizergh Castle near Kendal, Ribble Marshes between Banks and Hesketh Bank, Farne Islands Northumbria, and Bempton Cliffs and Flamborough Head north Yorkshire.  Bill was also suggesting a visit to a wildfowl ringing venue.  More comments please, we look forward to an interesting year ahead.

Attendance: Sixteen members, including two new members of the group, attended this year’s AGM.  The list of attendees is recorded on the group’s database and available on request.

Peter Hatfield and Peter Banks joint leaders.


Last Updated on January 11, 2018

Summary of 2017 visits and sightings





14th Feb

Martin Mere (WWT)

50 (+2)


14th Mar

Marbury Country Park



11th Apr

Pennington Flash

48 (+1)


9th May

Leighton Moss (RSPB)

57 (+1)


30th May

Woolston Eyes

43 (+1)


13th June

Sankey Valley C.P. & Carr Mill Dam

46 (+1)


14th July

Speke Hall



12th Sept

Rostherne Mere



10th Oct

Yarrow Country Park

28 (+1)


31st Oct

Burton Moss (RSPB) & Dee Estuary

62 (+2)


14th Nov

Marshside (RSPB)

39 (+1)


12th Dec

Martin Mere (WWT)



  • Total species recorded in the year = 114 (+6)

  • Total species recorded in 2016 = 103 (+2)

  • A total of 21 members attended one or more visits in 2017 (2016 – 17 members)

Click ‘Continue reading’ for additional statistics and the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on January 10, 2018

Visit to Martin Mere WWT reserve – 12th December 2017

For our final outdoor meeting of 2017 we had planned to visit the Lancashire Wild Life Trust’s site at Lunt Meadows.  Because of the very cold weather and the lack of any shelter or facilities at Lunt the venue was changed at the last minute to Martin Mere where ten members of the group enjoyed a very good morning’s bird watching in the relative comfort of the well-constructed hides, and several of us stayed on for lunch in the reserve’s excellent cafe.

The bright but very cold weather made for excellent visibility, with closer than usual views of birds that were concentrated by the ice into unfrozen areas near the main hides.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of 48 species seen:

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Last Updated on December 26, 2017

Visit to Burton Mere RSPB and Dee Estuary – 31st October 2017

Eight members of the group attended this visit and we had the benefit by being guided by a guest leader, Peter Twist.  We were very grateful for his considerable expertise in identifying birds by song as well as by sight.

The morning was spent on the RSPB reserve and the afternoon at the Dee Estuary, Denhall Lane.

A total of 64 species were recorded on this visit, the largest number recorded by the group on a single visit.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on December 26, 2017

Visit to Yarrow Valley Country Park – 10th October 2017

Five members of the group attended this, the group’s second visit to this country park near Chorley.  There are a wide variety of habitats at this site and a total of 29 species were recorded.  Unlike last year, this time a kingfisher was spotted but again the dippers proved elusive.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on November 27, 2017

Visit to Rostherne Mere – 12th September 2017

This was the group’s first visit to Rostherne Mere and was attended by eight members of the group.  Access to the reserve is by permit only and we were guided on this visit by two of the volunteer wardens, Dave Clarke and Phil Dell.

A varied site with woodland and meadow habitats as well as the mere and a total of 28 species were recorded (for a full list of sightings click ‘Continue reading’ below).

A sighting of particular interest was a pair of Egyptian Geese.  This species of African origins is now established as a breeding bird in the UK and other European countries.  According to recent BTO surveys there are around 1,000 breeding pairs in the UK mostly in the Thames Valley and East Anglia but with scattered populations in Northern and Western England.  As these birds were on the far side of the Mere it was not possible to get a good picture, the photograph shown here was taken in Germany last year.

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Last Updated on October 20, 2017

Visit to Speke Hall – 14th July 2017

Seven members of the group attended this, the group’s second visit to this site.  It was a mostly cloudy but clear morning with good visibility across the Mersey Estuary where we could see there were lots of waders on the far side but they were too distant to identify even through a telescope.  A total of 25 species were recorded, mainly in the grounds and woodland surrounding the hall – for a list of species seen, click ‘Continue reading’:

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Last Updated on September 10, 2017

Visit to Sankey Valley CP and Carr Mill Dam – 13th June 2017

Great Crested Grebe on nest at Carr Mill Dam

Eleven members attended this, the group’s first visit to Sankey Valley Country Park and Carr Mill Dam, St Helens.  We benefited from having Dave Owen, one of the Rangers, to guide us round this extensive and varied site.

A total of 47 species were recorded on this visit – for a complete list of sightings click ‘Continue Reading’:

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Last Updated on September 10, 2017

Visit to Woolston Eyes SSSI – 30th May 2017

Access to this ‘Site of Special Scientific Interest’ is restricted to permit holders and we were guided on this visit by Douglas Buchanan, a member of the Woolston Eyes Conservation Group.  From the ornithological point of view this site is home to a breeding colony of the rare Black-necked Grebe and we were fortunate enough to see about ten adult birds along with several chicks.  (None of us managed to get a good photograph this year however so this picture is one taken by group member Graham Cawdell last year.)

The conservation group’s website includes lists of sightings, photographs and other interesting information which can be reached by clicking here.

Another interesting sighting this year was a pair of immature (2nd summer) Mediterranean Gulls, one of which was ringed and the conservation group’s website includes an on 31st May showing where this bird has been recorded since it was ringed in 2015.

Six members of the group attended this visit and a total of 44 species were recorded.  For a complete list of sightings click ‘Continue Reading’:

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Last Updated on September 10, 2017

Visit to Leighton Moss RSPB – 9th May 2017


Another of our regular sites which we try to visit at different times of the year.  A lovely day, mostly sunny or light cloud and with little wind, made good conditions for bird watching.

The morning and early afternoon were spent at main site before visiting the hides located on the edge of Morecambe Bay for the final part of the visit.


Star of the show was the spoonbill seen at the Morecambe Bay hide:

For a complete list of sightings and more pictures from this visit, click ‘Continue Reading’:

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Last Updated on June 29, 2017

Visit to Pennington Flash – 11 April 2017

One of our regular sites which we often visit at this time of year when some of the winter visitors are still present and summer visitors have started to arrive for the breeding season. There is also always a chance at this time of the year of spotting migrating birds flying overhead or dropping in to feed before continuing their journey. Unfortunately the weather conditions – mostly cloudy with a strong and blustery northerly wind prevented any migrant sightings on this visit.

The feeding station near the woodland hide virtually guarantees sightings of bullfinches and many other woodland and garden birds.

The lack of leaves at this time of year makes it easier to locate birds heard singing in the trees, but they are still difficult to photograph as this picture of a Chiffchaff taken by Bill Hale illustrates:


Despite the weather conditions this visit was well attended, 15 members of the group being present.


Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:


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Last Updated on June 21, 2017

Visit to Marbury Country Park – 14th March 2017

Ten members of the group attended this, our first visit to Marbury Country Park near Northwich, Cheshire.  The weather was cloudy but fine in the morning, brightening up after lunch.  Marbury is an extensive site with a wide variety of habitats and a total of 53 different species were recorded.

Definitely worth another visit!

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on April 10, 2017

Visit to Martin Mere – 14th February 2017

Black-tailed Godwits and Ruff in flight – photo by Bill Hale

Black-tailed Godwit – photo by Tony Leigh


Ten members of the group attended our first outing of 2017, with four staying on for the afternoon.  The weather was fine and sunny in the morning but increasingly cloudy after lunch.

A total of 52 species were seen with large flocks of Whooper Swans; Pink-footed and Greylag Geese; Black-tailed Godwits and Ruff being among the highlights of this visit.

Click on ‘Continue Reading’ below for a full list of species seen.

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Last Updated on March 4, 2017

Visit to Hesketh Outmarsh 13th December 2016

Five members of the group attended this visit.  The weather was mostly cloudy and fine but with a few showers and (even fewer) sunny intervals.  The visit coincided with high tide and there were large flocks of geese, ducks and waders.  Unfortunately the hazy conditions made it difficult to identify all the species present.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of the 34 species seen:

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Last Updated on December 21, 2016

Visit to Lunt Meadows 8th November 2016

Eight members of the group attended the morning session for our second visit to this quite new reserve by the River Alt.  A cool clear morning with light cloud meant the conditions were quite good for bird watching.  Just three members of the group stayed for the afternoon session during which the cloud steadily increased bringing rain which started just as we were leaving.


Highlight of the visit were the large flocks of pink-footed geese, lapwing, crows and pheasants feeding in the fields on the other side of the river.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of the 34 species seen:

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Last Updated on December 5, 2016

Visit to Leighton Moss – 11 October 2016

Five members of the group made the trip to the North of Lancashire for this visit to the RSPB reserve at Leighton Moss.  The weather was mostly cloudy but dry for the morning session with a few sunny intervals but quite cool and with quite a stiff breeze.  The
afternoon session was sunnier and warmer.

2016-10-11-leighton-moss-5This year’s visit to Leighton Moss had been timed to give us the best chance of seeing the Bearded Tits, and we were not disappointed!

Bearded Tits are uncommon birds, but present at Leighton Moss throughout the year but stay largely hidden in the reeds except at this time of the year when they visit the bird tables for grit (not food).


2016-10-11-leighton-moss-3Another highlight of this visit was the sighting of four Great White Egrets.  Until recently these birds were classed as vagrants but, over the last few years, they have been extending their range (still in small numbers) after first breeding in Somerset in 2012.


















This Robin was determined that we would also notice the common birds!







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Last Updated on November 6, 2016

Visit to Mere Sands Wood – 13 September 2016

20160913-mere-sands-1Six members of the group attended our latest visit to this local nature reserve.  The weather was warm and sunny in the morning, clouding over for the afternoon session which was cut short by a thunderstorm.

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on October 10, 2016

Visit to Parbold – 9 August 2016

20160816_Mallards eclipse plumage

Mallards in eclipse plumage at Parbold

This was the group’s first visit to Parbold.  Starting from the sports ground car park a two mile circuit took in a wide variety of habitats including farmland, wildflower meadow, woodland, river and canalside.  The breezy conditions kept many of the smaller birds in the trees making identification difficult but nevertheless an enjoyable morning attended by 10 members of the group.

One of the highlights of the visit came right at the end when we had a good view of a Whitethroat, thanks to Eric for first spotting it!

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen on this visit:

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Last Updated on September 3, 2016

Visit to Yarrow Valley Country Park, 12 July 2016

It was the bird watching group’s first visit to Yarrow Valley and everyone who came was impressed with the interest and variety of landscape found there. From the Visitor Centre we walked up above the valley floor to Burgh Meadows where the grass reached well over six feet tall. We struggled to identify birdsong, but were surrounded by a carpet of wild flowers; thank you Brian for carefully identifying them all (see separate log at the end of this report).

The dull cloudy weather also made bird recognition difficult but we saw meadow pipits, magpies and swifts, and heard linnets in the bushy trees. When we dropped down through woodland to the large reservoir, great crested grebe, black headed gulls, common tern, house martins, and Canada geese were present. The walk along the River Yarrow to the weir had the promise of kingfishers and dippers, (a promise not kept), but high in the trees we saw Jays and in the dappled river margins grey wagtails foraged.

Definitely worth another visit!

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Last Updated on August 25, 2016

Visit to Marshside – 14 June 2016

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Skylark at Marshside

Following the last minute change of venue due to the inclement weather, eight members of the group attended this visit to Marshside and enjoyed a good morning’s bird watching before the rain arrived in the afternoon.

We were also joined on this visit by two guests, Peter and Mike Twist, and benefited greatly from their extensive knowledge and experience.

A total of 50 bird species were observed, the most the group has recorded in a single visit to Marshside.

Other highlights included:

20160614 Marshside-5

A Mediterranean Gull amongst the Black-Headed ones

  • A male Garganey, a rare and secretive duck with a UK breeding population estimated to be only around 100 pairs.
  • 4 Mediterranean Gulls, among the numerous black-headed gulls
  • Black-tailed Godwits and Ruff in full breeding plumage
  • Avocets with chicks

20160614 Marshside-4 20160614 Marshside-3








Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:

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Last Updated on June 30, 2016

Change of Venue for 14 June outing

Dear all,

The poor forecast for Conway tomorrow,(light rain from 11am, persistent rain after 3pm) has lead me to alter the venue to Southport Marshside. Its only 20 mins from here and the light rain from 1pm would at least give us a good half day’s bird watching from 10am. There has been a Glossy Ibis there for a week so we might see that tomorrow.
I know some of you will be disappointed but I think we need a dry day to get the best out of Conway and Bodnant, which can be arranged for another day.
The rendezvous point is 10am at the carpark just across the road from the visitor centre. It has 2 hides one of which is the visitor Centre, and it has a WC. Bring your own drinks and snacks. We  should also see Avocet, godwits, gulls and other waders and small birds. Please email me to confirm you are coming, and whether you would like a lift.
Best wishes,
Peter Hatfield

Last Updated on June 13, 2016

Visit to Woolston Eyes – 10th May 2016

Report by Peter Hatfield, photos by Graham Cawdell.

Woolston Eyes Nature Reserve, our May visit this year, never disappoints. Positioned between the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Mersey it provides secluded and naturalised habitat for a good range of unusual species which we viewed from 6 hides all overlooking the lagoon.
Turnstone at Woolston Eyes by Graham CawdellThe surprise visitor was a solitary Turnstone (my first) it resembles a ringed plover with chestnut feathers to back and wings, and was seen very close to the hide.
There were large numbers of breeding Pochard, a migrant duck whose numbers are decreasing in the UK, also large numbers of breeding Gadwall.
Black-necked Grebe at Woolston Eyes by Graham CawdellThe rare Black Necked Grebe was the main attraction, we saw 7 or 8 including one on a nest. Woolston Eyes has 25% of the UK breeding population. They return to northern Russia after breeding.
A flock of Swifts overhead gave a splendid aerobatic display. We also saw and heard 5 species of warbler (Garden Warbler, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Whitethroat) assisted by Douglas who guided us throughout the visit and had an excellent ear for birdsong identification.

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Last Updated on May 19, 2016

Visit to Speke Hall – 26 April 2016

20160426_Bird Watching_Speke HallA cold but clear morning with many trees not yet in leaf made for good conditions for spotting woodland birds.

We had planned to also look out over the estuary but with restricted time available decided to stay in the gardens and woodlands around the hall.  Five group members attended on this occasion.

Highlight of this visit:  A Merlin flying overhead – the smallest of the falcons.


20160426_Bird Watching_Song Thrush at Speke Hall

Song Thrush at Speke Hall

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Last Updated on May 11, 2016

Visit to Pennington Flash – 12 April 2016

Bird Watching 2016-04-12 Pennington Flash-3

The weather was cloudy but mostly dry for this visit to Pennington Flash which was attended by nine members of the group.  The light winds made conditions much more favourable for spotting smaller birds than on our previous outings in 2016.

Highlights included:

  • Seeing (rather than just hearing) a Cetti’s Warbler, and at close quarters.
  • Great Crested Grebes
  • Willow Tits
  • The variety of different bird species seen

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Last Updated on April 25, 2016

Visit to Brockholes 8th March 2016

Bird Watching 2016-03-08 BrockholesJust three members of the group braved the cold drizzly weather for this visit.  Conditions were far from ideal, but nevertheless we managed to record a total of 29 species.

Highlights included:

  • Goldeneye
  • Mediterranean Gull

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Last Updated on March 18, 2016

Uncommon Birds 1 – The Water Rail

Bird Watching - 2016-02-09 Martin Mere-4Seen (through heavy rain) at Martin Mere on February 9th 2016 in mid afternoon from Kingfisher Hide, immediately below the hide in a shallow pool amidst reedbeds 10 metres away.


Status: Resident breeder and migrant winter (October – March) visitor.

Recognition: Lead grey face and breast, chestnut upper including cap with black streaks, long down curved dull red bill, black and white striped belly, short upright tail with white/cream underside, 23-26cm long including bill. Smaller than a moorhen. It has a repertoire of calls including grunts, groans, whistles, squeaks and squeals, often silent during daylight hours in winter, but calls audible after dark.

Habitat: All types of standing water including small ponds, large meres, wetlands, marshes,especially favouring rushes, sedges and phragmites reeds.  They feed on aquatic invertebrates, small fish, amphibians (frogs), insects, and vegetable matter including rhizomes.

Abundance: The UK population is thought to be in excess of 1000 breeding pairs (Brown and Grice 2005) but this number is swollen from September to spring as migrants arrive from northern Europe and Iceland. Because of the birds elusive habit it is impossible to be sure of population numbers and some experts think the quoted numbers underestimate the actual resident population. Water Rails are on the Amber List of rare birds following the significant decline in numbers between 1970 and 1990. Birds are mostly seen in single numbers, but in favoured breeding grounds (Dee Estuary) flocks of 20-30 are occasionally recorded. Have been sighted at most of the wetland reserves in the NW of England. Resident breeding bird present in the UK all year.

Acknowledgements: Collins Bird Guide UK and Europe;  Collins BTO Guide to British Birds;  Bird Atlas of Cheshire (CAWOS);  British Birds (AA)

Last Updated on February 20, 2016

Visit to Martin Mere 9th February 2016

Bird Watching 2016-02-09 Martin Mere-6A cold and blustery February day with heavy showers but also sunny intervals. Despite the weather twelve members of the group attended the morning session for our first outing of 2016.

Highlights of the morning included:

  • large flocks of Whooper Swans, Geese and Shelduck
  • Marsh Harriers

Bird Watching - 2016-02-09 Martin Mere-3Only two members were able to stay on after lunch, but were treated to good views of the Barn Owl hunting (which one or two of the group had seen in the distance in the morning).

Bird Watching - 2016-02-09 Martin Mere-1






Other highlights of the afternoon were 3 Snipe and a Water Rail, both seen through pouring rain from the shelter of ‘Kingfisher Hide’

Bird Watching - 2016-02-09 Martin Mere-5

Bird Watching - 2016-02-09 Martin Mere-4

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Last Updated on February 22, 2016

Bird Watching Group AGM 19 January 2016

The AGM followed on from the St Kilda Talk, with 10 group members in attendance:

The meeting began with a personal tribute from Peter Hatfield to Eric Morris who had led the group so well for 12 years until handing over at the beginning of May 2015. This was endorsed by all present. Eric continues to be active with the group and remains a valued member of the group.

This was followed by: Continue reading

Last Updated on February 3, 2016

Visit to the Wirral 10th November 2015

For this visit, which included both the Burton Mere RSPB reserve and the Dee Estuary, Denhall Lane, the group had the benefit of a guest leader, Peter Twist.

Highlights of the visit included:

  • The largest number of species recorded in a single visit by the group (63)
  • Two Marsh Harriers, a Hen Harrier and a Peregrine
  • A Great White Egret, as well as several Little Egrets
  • A Brambling and two Kingfishers

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Last Updated on November 27, 2015

Visit to Lunt Meadows 13th October 2015


Lunt-Meadows-1-1024x576A beautiful sunny October morning for the Bird watching group’s first visit to this new wetland reserve near Sefton.  The reserve is still being developed and an additional hide screen was being installed at the time of our visit.

Eleven group members attended and a total of thirty seven bird species were recorded.

Highlights of the visit included:pb2

  • Thousands of Pink-footed geese
  • Large flocks of Goldfinches feeding on thistle seeds
  • Several Kestrels and Buzzards (up to 6 at a time)

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Last Updated on May 6, 2019

New location for October visit

The October meeting on the 13th has been switched to Lunt Meadows near Sefton instead of Pennington Flash. It’s a new venue for the bird group, only 15 minutes away, quite a large reserve with 2 sizeable lakes, reed beds, wild flower meadows and woodland.  The reserve is quite large, has good paths and 3 screen hides; it’s managed by Lancashire Wildlife Trust, and also has archaeological interest.

Last Updated on November 1, 2015