German Conversation

This friendly and supportive Group helps its members improve and practise their skills in German Conversation.

Scout & Guide HQ
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month
2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
  • Leaders:
  • Norma Wardle - 01695 422401
  • Joyce Coppock - 01704 896014



This group covers a wide range of ability.

Improvers:  Now using ” Dino lernt Deutsch.”

Conversationalists:    Have finished reading “Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl.” -Judith Kerr and are experimenting with”Deutsch Perfekt”, a German magazine for people studying the language.




Improvers practise dealing with everyday situations via conversation and role play. They have recently started their first reader and use it as a focus for group work.


We cannot take beginners, but, if you knew some German years ago and want to refresh your  knowledge, Improvers group is the one for you. Please contact a leader for a chat.


Conversationalists . We have read three detective stories. During” Covid” we did work on-line on “Krücke”, a novel set in the chaotic aftermath of WWII. We have read “Als Hitler das Rosa Kaninchen Stahl” which is set in the years before the war. Conversation can be about anything, sometimes on a set topic. We “visited” Vienna during our last meetings of 2023. Recent meetings have used articles from the magazine “Deutsch Perfekt. We are currently investigating German humour – Do we get it?


2024 Meetings.   All meetings are held in scout HQ on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 2pm – 4pm.

April 10th and 24th

May 8th and 22nd

June 12th and 26th











Last Updated on May 27, 2024