Message from the Chairman

By | March 24, 2020

I hope you’re all coping with this period of social distancing. The latest edition of the magazine is winging its way to you. Expect your Postman to drop it through your letterbox in the next few days. This would not be happening if it were not for the great joint effort from the Communications Subcommittee and the Membership Team. The Magazine Editor had extra work this time round, altering content as the coronavirus situation developed.  As usual, he had welcome assistance from his proofreaders. Finally all the magazines were put in envelopes, stamped and labelled and delivered to the Post Office next to Christ Church. So, on your behalf, I would like to offer them all a GREAT BIG THANK YOU. I would also like to thank Ian at the Post Office for helpfully getting this much larger number of Magazines into the system.
In the present circumstances, the preferred way of renewing your U3A membership is online; if you are unable to do that, you can use the membership renewal form enclosed in the magazine. Although we cannot participate in our normal group meetings, your membership fee is still important if we are to meet our financial obligations both now and when we can resume our activities.
Alan Starkie

Last Updated on April 6, 2020