Latin in Lockdown

By | May 7, 2020

Leader of the Latin & the Roman World Group, Dennis Morley,  has sent the Web Team the following example of their activities during Lockdown.  The Group is certainly being kept busy.

Lockdown for the Latin Group means just a change of method, as the group have continued their course without interruption.

Although “red ink” assessments are not used, there is a lively exchange of translations and comprehensions. This week we are looking at some “Cicero” to see whether Boris was affected by his rhetoric.

I attach a selection of cuttings from local and national rags all of which contain some “errors”; a big part of Latin in translating from English is to strip the language down to its most literal form.

See how many errors you can spot! Responses published in next edition.

Lapsus Linguae u3a

The Association this year argued that schools could only afford a 2% increase for teachers, meaning the remaining 0.75% would need additional funding.

This legislation will mean that myself and many other families will, hopefully, not have to endure   the torture of not knowing where their loved one’s remains can be recovered from.

I do not know if this follows a decision to purge the party of moderates like us, or if it was a crude attempt to see us fold under pressure.

The Church of England has published official advice that sex is only good for married heterosexuals only.

Pervert jailed for abusing girl now sent down for rape.

Labour MPs can barely look one another in the eye, let alone be bothered to seriously challenge the government.

For more than 25 years, she only told a few people close to her about the encounter.

Re-cycling is well established in kitchen and grocery products, with Tesco announcing last week that it was removing certain shrink-wrapped multipacks.

People doubtless go to church for all sorts of reasons. But I’d advise anyone looking for friends to inspect a church’s advice on relationships.

At a summer camp in Ohio, I complained to colleagues about the state of my hair, due to the wind.

Remember that not all the attendees would be fervent followers of Jeremy.

Still, if there’s one upside to Brexit it’s that hopefully we will be seeing a lot less of Farage.


Last Updated on January 20, 2021