Wine Tasting

Six wines for tasting, expert advice and entertainment thrown in.

Scout & Guide HQ
3rd Friday of the month (usually)
7.30 pm
  • Leader:  Iain Smart - 01704  621333
  • Coordinator: Mike Rimmer - 01695 577614

We taste six wines, usually three white and three red, which are presented by a local wine expert who also judges a ‘guess the price com­petition’.

Please ‘book early’  with the Group Leader or the Group Coordinator and, if neces­sary, ‘cancel promptly’ to allow others to take your place, as events are very popular and numbers are limited.

The Admission Fee of £12 is payable at the door.

2024 Tastings

  • 17 May
  • 21 June
  • 1 July – Wine Luncheon
  • 20 September
  • 18 October
  • 13 December

All are welcome to our wine events, especially new members. Please come and join us and enjoy some really nice wines with good company.

Last Updated on June 6, 2024