Indoor Meetings Winter and Spring 2023

By | April 28, 2023

Tuesday 7th February 2023

A Brief History of Entertainment

A ‘cheer up’ on a Winter Afternoon with the help of Mervyn Saunders.


Tuesday 7th March 2023

The Architecture of Alfred Waterhouse

Born in Liverpool 1830, Alfred Waterhouse went on to study architecture and was particularly associated with the Victorian Gothic Revival Style. He designed many of our well known buildings such as the Great Western Hotel in Liverpool, Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum in London. Sean Jinks also told us more about the architecture of Alfred Waterhouse.


Tuesday 4th April 2023

Ormskirk in Days Gone By

Images of Ormskirk presentation by Chris Bentley and how Gingerbread plays a big part in our local heritage with one of Ormskirk’s Gingerbread Ladies.

Tuesday 3rd October 2023, Cotton Town Chronicles.

We will have a folk song presentation by Barbara and Peter Snape. Key moments of Lancashire’s social history provide the context for the songs and each song tells the story of grease, grit and grime, mills, mines and machinery, poverty, struggle, love, humility and the ability to look on the bright side of life when coal and cotton was king.

Tuesday 7th November 2023, The Defender Returns – Spitfire BM597.

Supermarine Spitfire BM597 saw wartime service with 315 and 317 Polish Squadrons operating from RAF Woodvale. Post war, Spitfire BM597 spent time at various RAF Stations and was used as the master mould for the replica spitfires for the 1969 film ‘Battle of Britain’. Today, BM597 is flown by Dave Harey, our speaker. We will hear more of the history and local connections of this aircraft.

Tuesday 5th December 2023, Time to Revisit the Tudors. the Grand Banqueting Room of our Tudor Manor (S&G HQ).

Led by the ‘Lord of Misrule’ with a visit from ‘Lady’ Sheila of Speke Hall, we will mix facts with fun!

Last Updated on April 28, 2023