
Curious about the planet we live on, how it has evolved, how we exploit it and how it affects our lives? If you have an interest in the subject, come and join us. You don’t need to be already knowledgeable.

Scout & Guide HQ
3rd Friday
  • Leader: Richard Fletcher - 01695 420148
  • Coordinator: Colin Russ - 01695 571360

The meetings are on the 3rd Friday of the month at 2 pm

Remaining programme for 2024


Friday 17th May

Talk by Richard Fletcher – Pakaraima Tepuis

The tablelands of the Guiana Highlands in South America are among the most spectacular yet least explored mountains. Each is an immense sandstone plateau known locally as  a ‘tepui’ that is encircled on all sides by vertical cliffs up to 1000 metres high. The summits of these unique mountains have remained isolated for millions of years and today harbour plants, animals and landscapes that occur nowhere else on Earth.

Friday 21st June

Talk by Hazel Clark – Geological resources of North West England.

The talk will explore how the North West helped to put the Great into Britain through the exploitation of the abundant geological resources which were the catalyst for the Industrial Revolution. Many of these resources still provide the basis of the wealth of the nation today through the chemical, construction and extractive industries.

Last Updated on May 6, 2024