Walking C-Thursday Local

These walks are usually local easy walks up to 5 miles, We are a very friendly group and very happy for new members to join us.

Varies but usually local
2nd Thursday
10.00 am
  • Coordinators:
  • Jenny Jobe - 01695 421574
  • Liz White - 01695 423150
  • Please note this advice for Walkers and Walk Leaders:- Arrangements for U3A Walks

Our walks are approximately 4-5 miles of easy walking –  fairly local although we have walked on the Wirral and the Sefton coast.

Please contact the appropriate walk leader if you need further details about that walk.

February walk Mill Lane Aughton

Thursday 11th July 2024

Meeting at 10am at St Michaels Church, Aughton, park on the side road, the walk is approx 4 miles of easy walking taking in Aughton and Lydiate.

New walkers are always made welcome.

There will be no walk in August so the next walk after this will be September

For more information ring Jenny Jobe 01695 421574


We are very short of walk leaders so if you know of any good local walks and feel you could lead a group we would be very pleased to have you.

For other u3a Walking Groups see:- 

Last Updated on July 4, 2024

Some Seasonal Local Walks

A Local January walk around Aughton


A February walk around Mere Sands, Rufford


A great walk in July 2018 around Haigh Hall


Last Updated on April 24, 2019

A Gallery of Walks from the Past


Click or tap on any photo to see a slide show of bigger pictures!

Last Updated on April 24, 2019