Bowls – Tenpin

This is a small group of enthusiasts with varying abilities but who love to meet and play together. All u3a members are welcome.

Tenpin, Ocean Plaza, Southport
10.00 - 12.00
  • Leaders: Jill and Noel Skinner - 01704 579085

Back in the sixties, ten pin bowling was big business. Bowling alleys had crossed the Atlantic from the United States and the game was popular with all ages, not least teenagers who had a fun place to go with no alcohol on sale! Families and groups of friends gathered to play the game and the bowling alleys were popular venues for a first date!

Now it is fun to revive those skills in retirement. Our Leader says: “It’s a good stretching exercise, not overly strenuous, and we are not at all competitive”.

The venue management has changed and so has their pricing structure. You now pay for games not time. It has been decided that we pay £10.50 for TWO games and make them last! Still free parking too!!

If you are interested please give the Leaders a ring.

Do come along and give it a go!

Last Updated on May 9, 2024