17 October 2022 – Heroes in Greek Mythology

By | November 5, 2022

In the session we began our discussion of the heroes from Greek mythology with Perseus and his role in killing the Gorgon Medusa and in rescuing Andromeda from a sea monster.

We noted that Perseus shared many characteristics in common with the heroes from Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian myths and legends – strength, courage, a skilled warrior but also learned in the arts of poetry and music and philosophy, and a close association with the gods.

In one version of Perseus’ adventures he is also portrayed as an honourable man who followed the warrior code of conduct to the letter, lived an exemplary life and died in old age.

However, in a second version of his story, Perseus is less than honourable and is eventually murdered by his cousin whose kingdom Perseus unjustly usurped. We suggested some possible reasons why the Ancient Greeks might have been attracted to the idea of the “flawed” hero.

Last Updated on November 5, 2022