Assets & Equipment

Policy and Procedures – Assets and Equipment

The Assets List comprises equipment bought by the Aughton & Ormskirk u3a for the use of groups and for official administrative purposes.

All Group Leaders and Management Committee (MC) members, past and present, should be aware of  this document and procedures that apply to it.

To request the Purchase of Equipment

  • Download, print and complete a Equipment Request Form and return it to any member of Finances & Resources (F&R) Subcommittee. (Hard copies of Forms are also held in the leaflet dispenser in the Aughton Room at Scout & Guide HQ, along with information about equipment.)
  • Pass all receipts/guarantees etc. to a member of the F & R Subcommittee if you have purchased such items by personal payment, authorised by the Treasurer.


Equipment should be stored in the Scout & Guide HQ where possible; where this is not possible, equipment may be stored in homes of group members disclosed to, and approved by, the F & R Sub-Committee.

Conditions of use

  • all items should be available for the use of groups and members authorised by the MC
  • if items were initially provided for one group, that group will have priority use of those items
  • items borrowed from an initial group, should be returned within 24hrs of date of use
  • if you need to use items outside Scout & Guide HQ, complete the Register of Borrowings and return the items within 24hrs of time of removal, or earlier at request of group requiring items for use in Scout & Guide HQ
  • the Register of Borrowings is available on the desk in the Small Meeting Room (the “Computer Room” located beyond the Ormskirk Room in the Scout & Guide HQ.

Unofficial equipment

Any member who uses u3a items not included in this official list should contact Dennis Morley with the details forthwith to ensure insurance cover, PAT testing and safety requirements.

If members /external tutors bring in their own personal equipment, they must insure such equipment.

Finance and Resources Subcommittee

Assets and Equipment come under the auspices of the Finance & Resources Subcommittee,

Last Updated on August 23, 2022