AGM 2023

Aughton & Ormskirk u3aRegistered Charity No. 1105255

20th Annual General Meeting

held on Thursday 29th June 2023 at 11.00am in Christ Church Ministry Centre, Aughton


  1. Chairman’s Welcome – John Tomlinson
  2. Apologies – several apologies received
  3. To approve Minutes of the E.G.M. held on July 21st 2022
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Chairman’s Report – John Tomlinson
  6. Treasurer’s Report – Derrick fewings
  7. a) Resolution 1. To approve the 2022-2023 Accounts
    b) Resolution 2. To appoint JVSA as Independent Examiners for the Accounts for the year 2023/2024
  8. Election to the Management Committee of new nominees who will become Trustees as from June 29th 2023
    (All current Management Committee Members are standing for Re-election to remain as Trustees for the year 2023-2024)
  9. To approve the amendment of the Constitution to include the power to appoint Honorary Life President/Vice President(s)
  10. To approve …………………… as Honorary Life Vice President(s) as an acknowledgement of the exceptional service given to Aughton and Ormskirk u3a
  11. Open Forum/Questions
  12. Chairman’s Closing Remarks

Last Updated on May 22, 2024