News and Reports

Talking Cyber Crime!

On Thursday 6th July at Horizons, we will welcome Dave Carlos, who will speak on the important topic of Cyber Crime.  See Speaker Meetings for details.

20th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday 29 July at Aughton Village Hall – 2 to 5 pm

Join us for afternoon tea and a glass of Sparkling Wine

Entertainment by our Music and Dance groups

Free Raffle

Tickets £5 (non refundable) available at Horizons or phone 01695 577614

Health & Wellbeing Reports

Member, Julia Bate is Coordinator for the Health & Wellbeing Group which provides occasional talks on relevant topics for members to attend.

Additionally, Julia herself attends and reports back on regular meetings with the Patient Safety and the Patient and Public Involvement Groups attached to the North West Coast NHS Innovation Agency.  Interesting and comprehensive reports from these meetings are listed below. These meetings continue to be either face-to-face or via video-conferencing.

For further information, email Julia on:



Fingerprick blood tests, a mental health app and pulmonary rehabilitation

Happy Hearts website, patient opioid awareness campaign and a mobile phone app          for health monitoring


Renaming of the Innovation Agency, review of Patient Medication Review Literature         and review of new Happy Hearts website

  • September meeting
    Developing a questionnaire relating to an App into which details of home-monitoring of blood pressure etc are entered and submitted to the GP practice, a new means of befriending, and more about polypharmacy reviews.
  • July meeting
    Telehealth (a home monitoring service for long-term health conditions), more information on the system for recording the improvement in response to physiotherapy following knee surgery, and the link between deprivation and health inequalities.
  • June meeting
    A dementia-friendly photography group, a mobile phone app for accessing GP records, a portable ecg monitor worn for 14 days, and a system for monitoring response to physiotherapy
  • May meeting
    A digital physical activity hub, a system for recording clinical consultations, enabling patients to revisit a consultation as many times as they wish, and an update on a website for people with lung conditions.
  • April meeting
    A website providing fiction and creative writing as therapy
  • March meeting
    Reducing ‘addiction’ to mobile phones, update on medication reviews and reducing opioid prescribing.
  • February meeting
    Musculoskeletal pain relief via an App, an agency providing independent home carers, and a flu test and treat pilot project.


  • December meeting  Ability consulting, an App that demonstrates how life is for disabled people.
  • November meetings Triage for lung cancer patients, new website for patients with respiratory conditions, initial management of mental health conditions.
  • October Meetings Asthma reviews, blister prevention pads an update on socks for people with diabetes, and another follow-up on Endoscopy alternative.
  • July meetings – A tool for detecting deterioration in patients in care homes, follow up on Endoscopy Alternative, COPD questionnaire and training for Heart Heroes on blood pressure monitoring
  • June meetings – Music therapy, Genomic medicine, Endoscopy alternative, Medication review and Self-monitoring of blood pressure
  • May Meeting – self-referral to consultants using an App; spotting patients with severe asthma
  • April Meeting – Update on alcohol withdrawal project; Cardiac Network and Websites helping with management and prevention of heart disease; Blood pressure testing in barbers’ shops
  • March meeting – Update on Back Pain Management App; Chatbot with Mental Health Advice; Patient Safety (Opioid withdrawal and Medication review)
  • February meeting – Pillow with a hole; Back pain management App; Menopause Consultancy
  • January meeting – Influenza; Mental Health safety; Lipid management



Outdoor Visit – May 2023

The British Commercial Vehicle Museum, Leyland will be the first ‘outdoor visit’ of the year for our Local History Group. (All u3a members are welcome to sign up for this trip.)

At this museum, we can learn about the history of commercial vehicles in the home town of truck and bus making. It is an indoor museum with over 50 well maintained vehicles on display, from an 1895 horse drawn steam fire appliance to the Popemobile.


E Bikers

Peter Lloyd has started up a group for electric bikers.

Peter Says:

He has had long experience with our u3a cycling groups, but he thinks now is the time to enjoy some help with the pastime for “not so young legs” – pedal power greatly enhanced, let’s say.

Usually on a Wednesday, 10:30 start, local area. Very much social rides to include a cafe stop, fun and friendship. Weather permitting, of course. Not too far at 15/20 miles, with plenty of stops.

Contact Peter on 07801 106335 if interested or for more information.

Special Recorder Group Recital

The Recorder Group will be performing on 24th March at 2pm  at Aughton Park Care Home. It would be nice for any members who know residents there to join us. This will be our first recital in a care home.

A Special Opportunity

This event was a great success! look our for a report in the next u3a Magazine.  Many thanks to all those involved both at Edge Hill and within A&O u3a. And thanks too to all those who attended – Edge Hill staff and students, u3a members and the local community.

As a follow on from the successful collaboration with Edge Hill University on the Ageing Better Project, the leaders are holding a free Showcase Event at the University on 11th February 2023, starting at 10 am in the Arts Centre. The purpose of the event is to present and discuss the findings of the workshop series attended by a number of our u3a members. The event will feature  talks about brain and ageing and will include  dance performances and a calligraphy stall.



Last Updated on October 15, 2022