March 2024 Writing

In March we wrote two short stories. The challenge was to have something happen in the second story that was a consequence of something that happened in the first. The time lag between the two stories could be minutes, millennia or anything in between. Sarah is one of the group’s newest members. Here are her stories: Family History… Read More »

January 2024 Writing

We were set the challenge of writing about new year resolutions. Here are a couple of the submissions. New Year’s Resolution BY MICHAEL J HOWARD My New Year’s Resolution was to be a more courteous driver. It was the 3rd January and I had reluctantly driven my wife to our local retail park for some ‘bargain hunting’. The… Read More »

June 2023 Writing

Mike M set us the task of writing a piece up to 500 words that had to include words that we’d each picked randomly from the dictionary. The words were: Question, Dialogue, Lithe, Premium, Misunderstanding, Puffin, Wall-to-wall, Integral BY MIKE McKENNA Duncan and Phylis had first met at the athletics club. Both were keen runners and trained three times… Read More »

March 2023 Writing

In March we wrote short stories of 100 words, maximum. Here is a selection: A Nice Cup of Tea BY JILLIAN RIDDOCH She waited with her sister, seeking reassurance. “It will be alright.”  Her sister replied sympathetically. “What if she wakes up?” She fidgeted nervously.” We’ll stay up all night, watch TV and drink tea.” Her sister replied.… Read More »

February 2023 Writing

In February our theme was ‘children’. Some wrote the first chapter of a children’s story, a couple of people wrote complete stories, one wrote a poem, and there were two articles about children’s authors. Here is Judy’s story: The Rainbow Children BY JUDY INGMAN Ginta-Marie was eight years old with a rather unusual name and an extra-ordinarily difficult… Read More »

January 2023 Writing

Our challenge for January was to write something with the theme of ‘dilemma’. Below are two examples that were read and discussed at the January session. Geoff’s Dilemma BY LIZ DIXON ‘Geoff, come and meet the latest newbies in the neighbourhood.’ Alan clapped a friendly hand on Geoff’s back and directed him across the grass to the couple… Read More »

September 2022 Writing

For our September meeting, Sue challenged us to write an obituary. It could be for a real person (living or dead) or a fictional person. As usual, the resulting pieces varied tremendously. below are a couple of examples: Obituary BY ANN HENDERS It is with sadness that I announce the passing of my middle age.  When it first made… Read More »

And that’s how I ended up, up in a tree

BY MIKE McKENNA Several of you are likely to have passed a fairly undistinguished looking public house en route to your regular Creative Writing Group sessions called ‘The Royal Oak’ situated near Aughton. You may even have graced its doors for a libation or two. Apparently there are about 500 so named in Britain. But I’m in danger… Read More »

An Exciting Day

BY LIZ DIXON ‘Gillian? It’s Angela. My day’s been so much fun – I’ve been stuck in a tree! You must meet me for a glass of wine, dear, so I can tell you all about it.’ Earlier that day, Angela had shimmied into an old floral cotton dress. She glossed over the fact that the buttons up… Read More »


BY SUE WATKINSON I’ve been on my own for far too long. The litter tray is full and my bowls are empty. The cat flap is locked shut, just in case I decide to escape or that pesky cat from next door climbs in to annoy me. I gave it a good beating last time that happened and… Read More »

Short Man Problems

BY ANN HENDERS All week people have been talking about the visit, as if nothing else was happening here. Of course, they weren’t actually talking to me about it but as I went about my work I heard them. What day would he come? What time would he come? How many of his friends and supporters would come… Read More »

Bad Luck Comes in Trees

BY JUDY INGMAN “No, listen, Sue, I know it sounds silly but I’ve been watching him.” “My God Mother, don’t tell me you’ve drilled a hole in the fence. Although the way you’ve been obsessed with him, I wouldn’t put it past you! Look I’m going now, see you next week and take care.” With that Sue blew… Read More »

Hard Landing

BY MICHAEL J HOWARD The mist lay low on the fields and in the East a perfectly round weak yellow sun attempted to rise above the unkempt hedgerows. As I climbed out of my car, parked close to the open gateway, I shivered as the chill of the early morning contrasted sharply with the cosy warmth of my… Read More »

July 2022 Writing

For July’s session Judy set us the challenge of ending our stories with the words ‘and that’s how I ended up, up in a tree.’ Here’s a selection of finished stories: Bad Luck Comes in Trees Hard Landing Short Man Problems Escape An Exciting Day And that’s how I ended up, up in a tree

Short Story Winners

Here are the winners of the Short Story Competition organised in 2020 by the Creative Writing Group.  Click or tap on the links below for a good read! Winner: The Mojave Flute Player – by Mike Briggs Highly Commended: Breath – by Ann Henders Highly Commended: Last Memory – by Sue Watkinson Highly Commended: The Man In The Smiling… Read More »

Creative Writing Group During Lockdown

When we heard that we’d no longer be able to meet up for our usual monthly sessions, the Creative Writing Group decided that we’d still like to write something every month and share it via email. We knew it wouldn’t be half as enjoyable as getting together but it was better than nothing. However, with the next ‘meeting’… Read More »