News and Reports

Dancing Fools

Musical Theatre Group came back!

Thank you for supporting your u3a Musical Theatre Group as they endeavoured to get back to doing shows. The pandemic  hit the group hard, so their numbers  were low by March 2022, but they still had a great show to present to you.

Although not a musical, the “restart” production – “Dancing Fools” –  had songs and dance from Musicals both old and new, comic songs and the like, and other items that took you back.

Poster for the Spring 2022 Show

You may wish to join us on or off stage as a group member. Whatever you decide to do, we look forward to seeing you soon.

Visit to Martin Mere – 14th December 2021

The final Bird Watching Group visit for 2021 was to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust site at Martin Mere.  Eight members of the group enjoyed an excellent morning’s visit despite the mist hampering visibility at times and a total of 43 species were recorded.  Thanks to new group member Ken for these pictures taken at Martin Mere:

Click ‘Continue reading’ for the full list of species seen:


Message from the Chair

Hello everyone, here we are at Christmas once again and despite Covid Aughton & Ormskirk u3a has continued to thrive through these difficult times.

Since lock down ended in the late Summer almost all our groups and activities have started meeting again, and in fact some of them are oversubscribed and have a waiting list! So thank you all for your support.

Let’s hope that 2022 sees restrictions easing and some normality returning.

I’m sure you will all enjoy the Christmas break and the opportunity to spend time with your friends and families.

Good wishes for Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

John Tomlinson

Christmas Lunch 2021

After the cancellation of the u3a Christmas Lunch in 2020 because of Covid, we were so pleased to get together once again. The Social subcommittee pulled out all the stops to arrange a lovely meal courtesy of Martin’s Caterers and dancing to the music of the Phil Shotton Trio with vocalist Adee Lifshitz.

All the photographs show that the afternoon was a great success and that everybody will be looking forward to the next Christmas social to be held on the 9th December 2022.


A Walk in Tawd Valley

A report of the 20th September 2021 walk

The September Monday u3a Walking Group walk was in the Tawd Valley Park, Skelmersdale, which is an area of green open space of 65 hectares running from Skelmersdale town centre and following the line of the River Tawd as it heads northwards to join the River Douglas.

Those participating in the walk soon realised that Tawd Valley Park is a hidden jewel in the heart of Skelmersdale. The site surrounds the River Tawd as it meanders its way from Yewdale across a large section of the historic town of Skelmersdale through to Cobbs Clough Brow. The area is a haven for a wide variety of wildlife with birds of prey soaring above the meadows and Kingfishers patrolling the riverbanks.

Barry Carr the walk leader did an excellent job in explaining the history of the area, with the ruins of an old mill, millponds and capped mineshafts providing a glimpse into the area’s industrial history.

Everyone agreed it was an excellent afternoon walk in an area that was previously unknown to most of the walk participants.

Our u3a Open Day

We are holding an Open Day on Saturday 23 October in the Scout & Guide HQ.  It will be open from 10.30 to 3.30 and will showcase groups and other activities that our u3a has to offer its members.
We have over 80 interest Groups ranging from Aerobics right through to Zumba.  Indoors or out, active or leisurely, doing or listening – all our groups are run by our members, for our members and there is usually room for extra people to join in.
This is a special opportunity to look into learning about or experiencing something new or returning to an activity you used to enjoy.  What is Mah Jong?  Did you enjoy writing or painting at school?  Do you need more exercise? Could you try again with French or Spanish?  You may already be in one group but why not now also try something new?
Come along to our Open Day and find out more, talk to those who run the groups, or sign up for a sample session.
And remember, if there’s something you would like to do that’s not already on our list, you can suggest a new group.  Talk to Group Support  at the Open Day and they’ll be able to help.
Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available throughout the day. Everyone is welcome, so bring a friend or neighbour who might appreciate what u3a has to offer!

Website Review

Most Groups have now restarted following on from the times of  lockdown, tiers and  social isolation during 2020 and the first half of 2021. If you are a Group Leader of a Group without a Group Author, please check your Group Page and contact the Web Team as to any updates your Group Page you require to bring it up-to-date.


Last Updated on October 15, 2022