News and Reports

Wine Luncheon 1st July

Please see details on new website:

Barn Dance – 5th July

5th July – Barn Dance @ Aughton Village Hall

Details are on the new website:

Southport Flower Show discount until 31 July

Details at

Spring Plant Swap

Bring along your surplus seedlings, rooted cuttings, houseplants etc and swap for something else!

Please label everything and wrap appropriately.

Thursday 2nd  May at the Scout & Guide HQ during Horizons (9.30 – 11 am approx).

The Big Declutter

It’s hard to believe, but the A&O u3a Website will soon be going into its 10th year of existence in its current format. As the small Web Team managing its content, we do our best to keep it neat and tidy. But we now could use your help in doing a “Big Declutter” of any content no longer useful or appropriate.

So whether you are a Group Leader or an Officer with pages that you are responsible for, or an occasional interested reader, please could you contact the Web Team ( about any text or images that you know can now be deleted. (If you are a Web Author, then you can make deletions yourself.)

Tapping for MacMillan

The u3a tap-dancers recently took part in a fundraiser for the Charity, MacMillan. They were led and encouraged by their ‘incredible’ tap-dancing teacher, Wendy Harris. Our small but enthusiastic group were able to join with Wendy’s other classes, which she holds in Southport.

The event was great fun and it was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our dancing in front of an appreciable audience. The event raised about £600 for this very worthy cause.

Our tap-dancing group welcomes new members, so if you would like to try this fun, energetic form of exercise, please contact Group Leader, Irene Arkinstall. Contact details are on the u3a website in the Tap Dancing Group Page.

Click or tap on any picture to view it full-size.


Boom Radio

Very recently, your Web Manager discovered – quite by chance – a music Radio Station that plays all her old pop favourites. (The tunes on Radio 2 were becoming increasingly unfamiliar and sometimes she yearns for some lighter entertainment than Radio 4.) It is called Boom Radio – not because it blasts out loud music all the time but because it is aimed at Baby Boomers.

It has also been discovered by the u3a National Office apparently. See this item in the March National Newsletter!

Advertising campaign with Boom Radio

We are thrilled to announce that we will be running an advertising campaign with Boom Radio, which has over half a million listeners over the age of 55. The three month campaign will start in April, alongside a u3a social media campaign, and will feature three u3a members sharing their stories about what u3a means to them. Listen to Boom Radio and let us know what you think by emailing

Alexa – Boom Radio!



Last Updated on October 15, 2022