Category Archives: News 2016

News items from 2016

Keswick Views

Recently Alan and I were very fortunate to get a last-minute opportunity to join in the U3A Holiday to Keswick organised by John and Kathleen Spurr.  Aside from a Science Group trip to Bletchley Park a few years ago, this was our 1st U3A holiday.  It was thoroughly enjoyable! Great company, really good food, a handy location in Portinscale, just a short and pleasant walk from Keswick and, once the steep flights of stairs were negotiated, into the garret, a very comfortable room.

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Old Time Music Hall Review

Our Old Time Music Hall show is now completed and was a huge success, thanks to your support!  Both nights were very well attended and generated lots of smiles and laughter – which is just what we’ve all joined the U3A for!!

The show was directed jointly by the very talented Chris McCabe and Gaynor Hale who both have many years of stage experience behind them!  It was staged at Aughton Village Hall on May 13 and 14, 2016.

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Megan’s Jewellery Making Taster Session

One Saturday morning in March, Megan Tomlinson ran an excellent Taster Session in making Jewellery from wire and beads and a whole range of other colourful craft materials.  A variety of attractive and useful items were produced by the attendees who were also having a great time making them under Megan’s expert tuition.

Click on any pic above to run a slide show of full size photos.

And here are some of the beautiful finished articles:

Results of the Jewellery Making workshop

Results of the Jewellery Making workshop

Megan is a very talented member of our U3A who is also Coordinator of the Drama Group. And their next production is coming up soon in April!

19 January 2016 – “St Kilda, The Lonely Isle”

Bird Watching - St Kilda 3The 2016 programme of bird group meetings began on 19 January with Steve Halliwell’s excellent talk ‘St Kilda the lonely Isle’, based on 4 visits to the group of islands which have double World Heritage Site status.

The 15 resident bird species include significant breeding populations of Gannets, Petrels, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Puffins, Razorbills, and Guillemots, but we learned that the sustainability of the birds is threatened by climate change, lack of active management of the bird colonies, and the recent arrival of the Arctic Skuas. The latter are serious predators.Bird Watching - St Kilda

The talk was wide ranging covering geology, extreme weather, botany and the history of human settlement which itself became unsustainable in 1930.

The audience or bird watchers, digi-photographers and science group members enjoyed a stimulating and entertaining morning.

After refreshments the Bird Watching Group reconvened for the AGM.

Musical Theatre – Bob Cratchitt – video

Hope you didn’t miss the new U3A musical – ‘Bob Cratchitt, retired’. It tells the story of the character from the Charles Dickens’ story  ‘A Christmas Carol’ as he reaches retirement.  This Musical Theatre group production was on 10, 11 and 12 December and there is an excellent video Continue reading