News and Reports

Off the Wall

u3a members from all over the UK will descend on Hadrian’s Wall on 10 May 2023 to celebrate the building of the wall and the influence that the wall has had on our creative lives.

The wall extends from coast to coast across Northumberland and Cumbria – from Wallsend on the River Tyne in the east to Bowness-on-Solway in the west, and once marked the north western border of the Roman Empire.

For more details and booking for this special u3a event, see


Social Events

Our u3a provides many opportunities for learning. But we also have a vibrant social dimension to our activities. They bring together people from across a wide range of special interests,  in a convivial atmosphere, simply to enjoy themselves. These excellent events are mostly organised by the Social Subcommittee.

There are  usually committee members at the weekly Horizons meetings from whom you can get more details on their events and book places or buy tickets.

2024 Events

  • 5th JulyBarn Dance @ Aughton Village Hall

Tickets for the Barn Dance will be on sale from 2nd May at Horizons.

Please see Paul or Mike on the Social Committee Desk

Tickets priced at £15 which includes a supper

Bring your own drinks and glasses

Dancing to “Change of  Key”

  • 4th OctoberQuiz night @ Scout & Guide HQ
  • 6th DecemberChristmas Social @ Aughton Village Hall

Further details of all the above events will follow nearer the dates.

Note that some Groups and individual members also organise learning and social events open to all members ie not just their regular attendees.  They are usually well advertised on the run-up to their dates in the monthly enews / the occasional magazines / at Horizons / on our u3a facebook presence and elsewhere on this u3a website such as the News page, the Groups Pages and the Front Page sidebar.   Check the various  Communication methods regularly so you don’t miss out on advertising your u3a event!

Examples of Past Events in 2023

*  Summer Dance
  • Friday 16th June 7pm at Aughton Village Hall
  • Dancing to Rollercoaster

* Aughton & Ormskirk u3a 20th Anniversary Celebration

  • Saturday 29 July at Aughton Village Hall, 2-5 pm
  • An afternoon tea and a glass of fizz; also free raffle and entertainment
  • See the September 2023 Magazine for report and photos.

* Quiz Night

  • at the Scout & Guide HQ on 29 September

* Christmas Lunch Party

  • At the Christ Church Ministry Centre on 8 December
  • Dancing to Rollercoaster

Examples of Past Events in 2022

    • Vegan Lunch – 23 March

      • at St Michaels Church Hall
      • on Wednesday 23 March, 12 noon for 12:30
    • Queens Jubilee Event – 25 June

      Click on Poster to view details full-size

    • Quiz Night with Hotpot Supper – “Battle of the Groups” – 30 September

        • Friday 30th September
        • Venue – Scout & Guide HQ
    • Christmas Lunch Party – 9 December

See details and photos of this very successful and enjoyable annual event.




2021 Highlights

Click on u3a Christmas Lunch  for a gallery of photos from this social event, the first for a long time due to Coronavirus lockdown and social isolation rules.

View Past Social Highlights

Healthy Ageing Research

Are you interested in healthy ageing?

If so, you may be interested in a study being run at Edge Hill University by one of the PhD Research students, Esteban León Correa.

Esteban is still looking for volunteers, and you can read further details in the poster below. If you wish to find out more, email Esteban at

Alice in Cuckooland

This was the Drama Group‘s first attempt at a pantomime for many years and at first we had some reservations.  There were challenges along the way in terms of scenery design and costumes and also rehearsing Christmas songs in the summer heatwave!  We all really enjoyed the experience and the audiences got into the spirit right from the start (oh yes they did!).

Thank you to everyone who came to support us – we do appreciate it.  We look forward to seeing you at our next production. Dates for your diary – 19th and 20th May 2023. Tickets are already selling fast at Horizons Meetings!

Here is a selection of the photos from the show. (Click or tap on any picture to run the Gallery as a Slideshow.)

Photos by Bill Soens

Christmas Lunch Party 2022

Once more the Social Subcommittee pulled out all the stops to lay on a superb Christmas Lunch followed by a 60’s/70’s Party – dancing to the music of the talented Roller Coaster Band.

Click or tap on any image to run the gallery as a slideshow.

View details of the other u3a Events organised by the Social Subcommittee in 2022.  And remember to revisit that web page during 2023 for future social opportunities.

WWT Martin Mere

Martin Mere has now re-opened following the recent temporary closure after a case of Avian Influenza affected a bird in their collection.

See the WWT website for full details.

Guests and Events at Horizons

Pay a regular visit to  this brand new Page on our Website to avoid missing out on special Guests and Events at Horizons.


Last Updated on October 15, 2022