Like Yesterday Workshop

You are invited to the first ‘Like Yesterday: Movement and Memory’ workshop on Friday 19th July at 1pm at St Michael’s Church Hall in Church Lane. Dr James Hewison from Edge Hill University, who some of you will remember from a dance workshop held as part of the Ageing Better’ project is going to be leading this series… Read More »

Health & Wellbeing Reports

Member, Julia Bate is Coordinator for the Health & Wellbeing Group which provides occasional talks on relevant topics for members to attend. Additionally, Julia herself attends and reports back on regular meetings with the Patient Safety and the Patient and Public Involvement Groups attached to the North West Coast NHS Innovation Agency.  Interesting and comprehensive reports from these meetings… Read More »

NHS Innovation Agency – Cardiovascular Disease

On March 18th 2022, Debbie Parkinson and David Dewhurst spoke to the Health and Wellbeing Group about their work out in the Community testing blood pressure, pulse and for abnormal heart rhythms. The attached presentation provides more detail and is well worth a read.

Heart Heroes

Friday 18th March, at 10.30am at St Michael’s Church Hall.   The Health and Wellbeing Group explains the work of the volunteer Heart Heroes with regard to testing blood pressure, pulse and cholesterol levels at public venues. Here is more information about the Health and Wellbeing Group