News and Reports

Lost Property Coat

A coat was left in the Scout & Guide HQ by a Scout Helper over the weekend of 2nd /3rd March.  It is a large Man’s Berghaus black raincoat. If you have seen it or perhaps taken it home by mistake, or as Leader of a u3a Group on Monday 4th / Tuesday 5th may have set it aside assuming it belonged to a member of your Group, please contact the Web Team at:

My involvement in this is that I picked up a call about this from a Skelmersdale Scout Leader on the phone at the Scout & Guide HQ. As it happens, I know the Scout Leader from way back


Joyce Nolan.

March Musical Theatre

The Musical Theatre Group’s next production stages at Aughton Village Hall on Friday 22nd March at 7.30pm, and Saturday 23rd March at 2.30 and 7.30pm. See more details about The Trinket Box.

AGM 2024 Notice

Advance Notice ………

The date and time of the 21st AGM will be the 13th June at 11:30am. The meeting is to be held at Scout & Guide HQ following Horizons.

It is hoped a Zoom meeting option could be set up to facilitate those who may not be able to make the meeting.

Volunteers are needed to join the Management Committee who are looking for 4 in total. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Secretary.

More information to follow.

Sunday Social – ‘Radio Play by the Drama Group’

The Drama Group will be performing a radio play – a light hearted comedy – “Pride and Prejudice and Other Useful Qualities” by Geoff Bamber at the next Sunday Social at HQ on Sunday 25th February 2024 – starting at 2pm, and still only £1.50.

After the refreshments break we will have a quiz/game – so come along and enjoy a lovely entertaining afternoon!  All are welcome.




Learn To Play Bridge

Bridge is the most popular and enjoyable card game in the world, offering constant mental challenges and a great way to make new friends.  If you would like to learn to play bridge or to return to playing after a break, then why not join the u3a Bridge Group’s next ‘Learn To Play Bridge course’.  It will start in April and run for about 30 weeks, on Friday mornings at the Scout and Guide HQ.

If you would like to find out more, then please ring Nick Dowrick on 07988 119408.

Wine Tasting 2024

Dates for Wine Tasting now published for 2024.

All welcome!

Helping Each Other Group

Looking for a new Leader and Helpers for 2024.

Sadly, Judy Ingman has now stepped down as Organiser of this Group and as yet no other Member has offered to take her place. Unless that happens this Group will finish. There would be helpers available but it does need one or two people to step up and organise a programme of a few outings and indoor social sessions.

This group was born around 2010/11.  It was created to help people feeling isolated due to loneliness or a physical disability to be encouraged to join different forms of social interactions. As its name explained, it was to help those who were confident in some directions to help others less able, and for others to help them too where they were struggling.
Meetings were mostly 11 or 12 times a year on a monthly basis. During colder months they tended to be held in the Scout Hut with a socially directed meeting including light refreshment,  often being led by another u3a group e.g. card making, choir, flower arranging, and perhaps a games afternoon or just chatting together.

In warmer months, short local outings were arranged usually with Charlton mini coaches which have a lift at the back of the coach and room for walkers and wheelchairs if necessary. They included lunches or afternoon teas at local garden centres, the Safari Park, and Music afternoons at Sefton Park, perhaps a canal trip or to visit a place of local interest.

Tasks for leaders and helpers are to discuss with the Group their ideas and then to devise a programme of meetings as described above. The Group has never been restricted and has always been open to all u3a members, and although it has generally included regular attendees, newer members have always been welcomed.

Please feel free to contact Judy on 01695 423141 if interested or see her at Horizons.


Last Updated on October 15, 2022