Other u3a Links

This page includes information on the National u3a, Regional Networks, the Virtual u3a and a list of other nearby u3as.

National and Regional u3a

The Third Age Trustthe National representative body for u3as in the UK.   It underpins the work of local u3a’s by providing educational and administrative support to their management committees and to individual members and assists in the development of new u3as across the UK.  Membership of The Third Age Trust is a requirement in order to use the u3a name and logo.

The North West Region of u3as The region includes the counties of Cheshire, Cumbria, and Lancashire plus the Metropolitan Boroughs within Greater Manchester and Merseyside and all contiguous Unitary Authorities. Follow the links to the events they organise and run, their newsletter and other documents

The Virtual U3A (vU3A) – an online-only u3a, affiliated to the Third Age Trust. It is like a local u3a Group except that its activities take place on the Internet. A target group for the vU3A is older people who are isolated through location, illness or immobility – but all are welcome and there are members from around the world.

Local u3a Groups

For all other groups use the national u3a find a group web page

Last Updated on November 17, 2023